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Amidst the dance of the cosmos' whispers, where ancient rhythms intertwine with modern souls, the Hound bounds after the Stag in the eternal spiral. In this sacred space, divinity resides in the flowering boughs of spring's rebirth, the sun-kissed zenith of summer, the golden tapestry of autumn's harvest, and the tranquil repose of winter's slumber. The universe's secrets are whispered in the gentle lap of waves, the ever-present trickle of air, where Terra and Spirit embrace in a timeless dance.

The Stag & Hound Path is half contemporary Naturalistic Paganism, half Paleolithic Reconstructivism. It's aim is to offer a structured system for those unsatisfied with other pagan paths available to them, and possibly wish for something that harks back even further into the black depths of time. A time that resonates in the bones of every single hominid, when humanity's relationship with the natural world was unbroken, unburdened by the trappings of civilization. The Stag & Hound Path invites seekers to reconnect with the deeply rooted primordial bonds that once united humans with the land, the sky, the sea, and the creatures that inhabit it.

We are nothing but mere beasts with millions of years of ancestors behind us. In the tapestry of time, humanity emerges as a single thread, a product of eons of evolution and ancestral wisdom. We are but a note in the symphony of life, intimately entwined with the narrative of existence itself. Guided by the ceaseless hand of natural selection, we adapt and evolve, mirroring our ancestors who were children of the same world. In Earth's eternal spiral, we trace our lineage to the primordial dawn, where life's first whispers stirred from the cosmic soup. From the humblest beginnings, we share a lineage with all life forms, a family tree that has braved countless trials and triumphs, shaping the landscape of life we see today.

Our very being stands as a testament to the exquisite interplay of biology, geology, chemistry, and physics. And the persistence of our very being depends on the delicate choreography of these forces at play. We, as life, carry within us the legacy of stardust, for the elements that compose our bodies were forged in the fiery hearts of long-extinct stars. Our existence is a testament to the intricate dance of cosmic forces, from the gravitational pull of celestial bodies shaping our world to the relentless flow of energy that fuels our every thought, sensation and movement.